Friday 12 February 2021


I intend to promote the band through a touching narrative based music video intended to sympathise with people living with abusers during lock down. This social consciousness would be an excellent marketing move to make the band appear as if they care about current issues, providing young Polish people with personal identity and information pleasures (Blumler and Kats: Uses and Gratifications).

Moreover, the magazine will include conventions of music magazines such as a medium/ close up shot of my artist, obscured mast head and cover lines that entice potential readers. I will create a house style that joins the front cover to the interview page. I can achieve this through considering font and it's visual impact as well as controlled colour palettes for a coherent style. The print magazine will be aimed at an English audience, hopefully drawing in people of non-Polish descent and expanding his fanbase through exposure to people trying to stay updated on up and coming artists. Richard Dyer researched stereotypes and came to the conclusion that stereotypes are created by the powerful to categorize those without power. I intend to subvert this by giving Cypis a voice through the interview with which he can give positive representation for the Polish immigrants of the UK. 

As the song I will be using is a relatively underground Polish artist,  I intend to make the video as if he was to do a UK tour, therefore I need to consider the culture and mindset of the 800,000+ Polish immigrants that could help make it mainstream to a wider UK audience. I would need to make it so that there are aspects both cultures may identify with, such as Polish food products stocked in the fridge, but also BBC news playing to pander to UK viewers.

 I will use a wide variety of camera angles and shots in order to highlight how trapped the main character feels within the walls of her house, such as lots of close ups (of her face, hands and props) to remove negative space and make everything feel cramped together. Additionally, I intend to keep longer shots of the woman so that when it's cut to the beat, I can draw attention to certain lyrics and closeups. I also intend to use a mannequin head in place of a male actor being the abuser in bed in order to symbolise the emptiness in the couple's relationship. It also dehumanises the man, making it apparent that the video is not sympathising with him in any way. Using Propp's character theory, the hero of the narrative is the artist for providing exposure to the issue of abuse as well as helplines. The woman fits into the damsel in distress role while the mannequin represents the villain. 

 Additionally, I will feature the band's sponsor with Sony Headphones in the video in a subtle background shot to not take away from the intended message yet still pandering to the sponsors such as on her desk while she gets out of bed. My music video will bring the subject of abuse to the foreground, subverting the media's tendency to create panic about issues instead of aiding in the fight to prevent them. A sound clip of the song will be released on TikTok in order to help exposure, as well as frequent tweets/replies on Twitter. The company that will handle the PR as well as record deals will be Sony Music Entertainment, specifically the Robots + Humans subglomerate which publishes many different styles of music. 

 I will be filming actors playing a stereotypical abusive couple (a man abusing a woman) so that audiences will immediately recognise and relate it to abuse, therefore making the message easier to spread through the conservative and traditionally minded Polish audience I intend to reach. However, I also intend to include abuse helplines for men before and after the video in order to show that we have considered abuse not always being man to woman. The helplines will also act as a way of informing audiences, creating a passage between creator and audience so that they may help improve the world around them. 

By making the video black and white I will be making reference to the original music video, creating intertextuality to the artist's career and providing audiences with a reward for following his career. Moreover, the black and white will add Levi Strauss' binary opposition, serving as a visual prompt for the decaying relationship I intend on portraying. 

Thursday 10 December 2020

Coursework: Print magazine research and planning

 Research and planning blog tasks

Create a blogpost called 'Print brief research and planning' and complete the following tasks to plan and prepare your print work:

1) Research music magazine cover key conventions. Look over the magazine cover key conventions notes sheet and write which of these you will use for your magazine cover. (This is a film magazine example but the conventions still apply).

-Logo/ masthead
-contrasting colours
-image is usually linked to headline
-usually looking at audience

2) Find at least five music magazine front covers (either current or former magazines as many have stopped their print editions) aimed at a similar target audience to your project (mainstream music audience). For each one, pick out one design idea or convention that you could use in your own print work. A few examples to start you off:

The artist is directly addressing the camera with his eyes.

The artist obscures the title. 

The picture is not a studio shot.

The colour scheme is very simple yet striking, magenta always is. 

The cover lines are mostly plain white with statement colours highlighting key words. Also, album art. 

3) Find at least five double-page spread features from music magazines on Google images. How are they designed? How are text and images displayed? What design tricks can you borrow from your examples?

Very symmetrical page layout.

Purposeful use of black and white as well as a reference that will evoke a warm smug glow if you get it. 

4 colour colour scheme. 

Studio image taking up over half of the space. 

4) Find at least five band/artist tour posters on Google images. How are they designed? What conventions do they all feature? How are text and images displayed? What design tricks can you borrow from your examples?

Image that relates to name of album. 

Textured background.

Dates underneath graphic
fancy boarder, relates to the style of the band. 

very dark graphic 

5) Read at least three example music interview features from newspapers and magazines to learn the format, writing style and content for a music magazine interview. You may wish to use the following to help you:

Planning, sketching and writing

1) Plan a title and slogan (sell line) for your new, original music magazine. Sketch out possible designs for the masthead - font, style, colour etc.

title: SCREAM
sell line: A strange and exclusive interview with up and coming artist CYPIS

2) Plan the content for your magazine front cover. Your double-page spread interview will be the main story and image but what other cover lines and smaller images will you include on the cover?

How society brainwashed you into thinking Nickle-back was bad 

"Music gives me a break from my thoughts, listening to it is just as important as the act of making it" CYPIS

Win a guitar 

My chemical romance come back 

3) Plan the content for your tour poster. What image will you use? (Remember it needs to be from a different photoshoot). What cities and venues will your artist play in the UK? This may take some research into venues that are associated with your chosen genre and the right size for your artist.

  • The Old Cinema Launderette, Durham.
  • St Pancras Old Church, London.
  • The Big Comfy Bookshop, Coventry.
  • The Old Court, Windsor.
  • Stereo, Glasgow.
  • Farmers Arms, Penzance.
  • The Deaf Institute, Manchester.
  • The Salty Dog, Northwich

4) Create a spider diagram or bullet point list of all the issues or topics your double-page feature interview could cover. Remember it needs to include reference to the music video, tour and headphone sponsorship. 

5) Write the text for your double-page spread feature. This needs to be a minimum of 400 words and be completely original and include reference to the music video, tour and headphone sponsorship. Make sure you include a headline, subheading and any pullout quotes or sidebar contents. 

Already having had a hectic day of travelling, Cypis was unsurprisingly keener on conducting the interview in his native tongue, therefore there will be English translations alongside the original Polish

After getting cozy with a cup of tea and chatting about his journey, I began the questioning. 

What inspires you to make music?

Co cię inspiruje do tworzenia muzyki?

Quite often it acts as a way to keep me sane during hard times. When I'm creating I lose track of reality and forget to eat or sleep because it's so therapeutic to focus my whole head on one thing instead of stressing over a billion things out of my control. In some ways this could make me a perfectionist. Mostly, music gives me a break from the drugs. 

Dość często działa jako sposób na utrzymanie mnie przy zdrowych zmysłach w trudnych chwilach. Kiedy tworzę, tracę poczucie rzeczywistości i zapominam o jedzeniu lub spaniu, ponieważ skupienie całej głowy na jednej rzeczy zamiast stresowania ponad miliarda rzeczy poza moją kontrolą jest tak terapeutyczne. W pewnym sensie może to uczynić mnie perfekcjonistą. Przede wszystkim muzyka pozwala mi odpocząć od narkotyków.

What was the concept behind the new album and the tour? 

Jaka była koncepcja nowego albumu i trasy?

Growing up, I was increasingly getting surrounded by abuse. If not in my own relationships, then I saw the people around me being hurt. The album came from a place of depression where there wasn't really anyone I could go to because they were all dealing with the same issues but worse. I want people to know it gets better and there is support for them out there. The video for "Gdze jest bialy wengorz" touches on those issues. I think it's particularly important for Polish people in the UK to see it because they're in a foreign country where they might not know the language too well, possibly stuck in toxic relationships where they're completely dependent on their abuser for communication. This has definitely become an even greater problem due to COVID further isolating a lot of these people from the outside world. 

Dorastając, coraz bardziej otaczały mnie nadużycia. Jeśli nie we własnych związkach, to widziałem, jak ludzie wokół mnie są ranni. Album pochodzi z depresji, w której nie było nikogo, do kogo mógłbym się udać, ponieważ wszyscy zajmowali się tymi samymi problemami, ale gorzej. Chcę, żeby ludzie wiedzieli, że jest coraz lepiej i że jest dla nich wsparcie. Wideo do "Gdze jest bialy wengorz" porusza te kwestie. Myślę, że jest to szczególnie ważne dla Polaków w Wielkiej Brytanii, aby to zobaczyć, ponieważ są w obcym kraju, w którym mogą nie znać języka zbyt dobrze, być może utknęli w toksycznych związkach, w których są całkowicie zależni od swojego sprawcy w zakresie komunikacji. Z pewnością stało się to jeszcze większym problemem ze względu na dalszą izolację wielu osób ze świata zewnętrznego przez COVID.

When I first heard your music it really connected with me but you were still quite underground, how have you grown into an up and coming artist in such a short time? I hope you don't mind me saying but you've been making music for quite a while. 

Kiedy po raz pierwszy usłyszałem twoją muzykę, to naprawdę łączyło się ze mną, ale nadal byłeś dość undergroundowy, jak w tak krótkim czasie stałeś się wschodzącym artystą? Mam nadzieję, że nie masz nic przeciwko temu, że mówię, ale tworzysz muzykę od dłuższego czasu.

Thank you so much. Well, one of my songs blew up as a meme and was spread around in the 11-20 age bracket in the west, which really supercharged my career. Sony saw the potential and picked me up for a contract. Then weirdly I got a sponsorship from Samsung and double checked my contract to see if that was allowed, it was, so I had the extra money to make the music video and tour in the UK and hopefully I can connect with some more people. Whatever profit I make goes back into my music. I think one of my main selling points is that it all comes straight from my heart and lived experience, so people can project themselves onto the songs even if it doesn't quite match their lifestyle. 

Dziękuję bardzo. Cóż, jedna z moich piosenek wybuchła jako mem i została rozpowszechniona w przedziale wiekowym 11-20 lat na Zachodzie, co naprawdę przyspieszyło moją karierę. Sony dostrzegło potencjał i wybrało mnie na kontrakt. Potem, co dziwne, otrzymałem sponsoring od Samsunga i dwukrotnie sprawdziłem, czy moja umowa jest dozwolona, ​​tak było, więc miałem dodatkowe pieniądze na zrobienie teledysku i trasę koncertową po Wielkiej Brytanii i mam nadzieję, że będę mógł nawiązać kontakt z większą liczbą osób. Każdy zysk, jaki osiągam, wraca do mojej muzyki. Myślę, że jednym z moich głównych punktów sprzedaży jest to, że wszystko pochodzi z mojego serca i przeżywanego doświadczenia, więc ludzie mogą projektować się na utwory, nawet jeśli nie do końca pasują one do ich stylu życia.

Wonderful. I definitely get a sense of kinship from your music. Lastly, What are your next steps? 

Wspaniale. Zdecydowanie wyczuwam pokrewieństwo z waszą muzyką. Na koniec, jakie są twoje następne kroki?

Hopefully I can keep doing what I love and get a core following of listeners. I've never been too bothered about being rich or famous but I do want people to remember me for my music. Although my life has improved drastically since the memeing and I truly am privileged in my day to day life now, I'd still like to share stories from people who haven't been so lucky. Look forward to some harrowing collaborations.

Mam nadzieję, że będę mógł dalej robić to, co kocham i zdobyć grono słuchaczy. Nigdy nie przejmowałem się zbytnio byciem bogatym lub sławnym, ale chcę, aby ludzie pamiętali mnie za moją muzykę. Chociaż moje życie drastycznie się poprawiło od czasu memowania i jestem naprawdę uprzywilejowany w swoim codziennym życiu, nadal chciałbym dzielić się historiami od ludzi, którzy nie mieli tyle szczęścia. Czekamy na wstrząsającą współpracę.

Thank you so much for your time this has been wonderful.

Dziękuję bardzo za poświęcony czas, to było cudowne.

6) Produce an A4 sketch of your front cover including the key conventions and design tricks you have studied in existing magazines and then planned in planning task 1 above.

7) Produce an A4 landscape sketch of your double page spread design now you have chosen the subject matter and planned the photoshoot.

8) Produce an A4 sketch of your tour poster including the key conventions and design tricks you have studied in existing tour posters and then planned in planning task 3 above.

Thursday 26 November 2020

Music Video Mise-en-scene planning


Domestic clothing.
Pajamas, bathrobes


Low interior lighting to reflect dark cold winter months. Will be in Black/White so lighting will be important in framing the characters. Lighting behind the woman will silhouette her and create atmosphere. 


My mum: slow and sad movements while getting out of bed. 
Mannequin head to dehumanize abuser 


bruise/ red mark makeup 



all int
living room

Music Video Treatment

 washed out colours, tons of close ups on movement to highlight the tiny detail changes between the cycles


scene 1: 

woman waking up in her bed, husband sleeps facing away, gets out of bed gently to not wake him, puts bathrobe on, goes to make a sandwich, takes plate into living room to watch news (aim to match lyrics TV to shot of TV), turns news on, sleeve moves slightly to show bruise/red marks while changing channel, different shots of her in the same place? to keep movement while showing she's static, passage of time

scene 2:

Cut to her getting up again at the chorus, husband still sleeping facing away, going to get breakfast, breakfast is a pot of yogurt, taking spoon out of drawer, opening the family laptop to turn the news on with headphones on

scene 3: 

Getting up again on 3rd chorus, this time waking the husband up, close up of him grabbing her night dress violently, cuts to eating sandwich in the living room, red eyes, red marks on neck from hand, shaking a little and watching the news.

Friday 2 October 2020

preliminary music video planning

Now complete the following tasks:

1) State the song and genre you have chosen for your music video.

Rap/Electronica, Social Realism 

2) Choose at least three music videos similar to your song or concept and watch them several times. Make bullet-point notes on everything you watch, commenting on camerawork, editing and mise-en-scene.

-close ups to domesticity
-cuts from face to face
-bright, fun, colours, irony
-concept of them playing a game because they play mental games in the relationship

-black and white
-simple back and forth editing of close up to mid shot
-spliced in with a movie narrative
-contrast between film and cher dancing because of colours, I want to use black and white

-whole video is made of close ups and extreme close ups
-destruction, matches tone of song, I could have a cut away shot of something getting destroyed
-instead of being edited to the beat, the shoe is moved to the beat
-the timeline of shots is not chronological

3) Write or edit your treatment just to include the 30-60 seconds you will make for this preliminary exercise.

scene 1: 

woman waking up in her bed, husband sleeps facing away, gets out of bed gently to not wake him, puts bathrobe on, goes to make a sandwich, takes plate into living room to watch news (aim to match lyrics TV to shot of TV), turns news on, sleeve moves slightly to show bruise/red marks while changing channel, different shots of her in the same place? to keep movement while showing she's static, passage of time

4) Write a shot list containing EVERY shot you plan to film AND additional shots to create flexibility when editing. These additional shots are often close-ups, cutaways, alternative angles or similar. I advise using a simple table on Microsoft Word to set out your shot list - you can find an example here

-medium shot of woman sleeping in bed 1
-extreme close up of eye opening 2        
-zoom out to her turning in bed gently 3
-shot from the side of her getting up 4
-close up of her sliding feet into slippers 5
-match on action of her turning 6
-shot of empty beer cans by bed and empty crisp packets 7
-long shot of her walking to door 8
-close up of her taking her bathrobe off the door 9
-match on action medium shot + putting it on 10
-close up on door handle being opened gently 11
-long shot of her leaving door 12
-pan to her walking down stairs 13
-bottom of stairs 14
-walk to kitchen 15
-close up of kitchen handle up close 16
-match on action of walking in 17
-camera in the fridge as she opens it 18
-match on action of her bringing pate out 19
-camera in bread bin shot 20
-extreme close up of butter being spread 21
-extreme close up of pate being spread 22
-walking to cupboard 23
-getting plate out of cupboard shot in cupboard 24
-bringing plate back to sandwich POV 25
-close up of putting sandwich on plate 26
-close up of chair being pulled out 27
-zoom out of hand to sitting down 28
-opening laptop POV 29
-close up of typing in BBC news 30

5) Plan your mise-en-scene: what iconography are you including to ensure your audience understands the genre or narrative? Plan your cast, costume, make-up, props, lighting and setting. For this preliminary task, use just one location to keep it simple.

       Mum and Stepdad
        Stepdad- Bed sheet
            mum-Primark Pyjamas and a bath robe
Make up: 
        Bruising and red marks (eye shadow could be used)
         Sandwich stuff (Polish ingredients, contrasting with BBC news), laptop
          in the dark, so yellow domestic lighting
          In my house, Bedroom, stairs, kitchen, living room (?)