Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Cinematography video LR

1) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher.

-smooth camera movement
-use of close up
-pov of dog
-shot/ reverse shot

-a bit short
-export quality
-100 word explanation 
-some sound?

2) Type up your feedback from fellow students.

-good pan
-narrative was well used
-shot/reverse shot
-good use of range of shots
-good close ups
-good use of camera movements
-shots build tension

-pretty trash tbh
-bit weird
-more lighting

3) Now reflect on your work and write your own summary of the comments and feedback you have received. Write three WWWs and three EBIs.

-good camera movement
-range of shots
-editing made sense

-there was some sound to cause interest 
-I made it longer, perhaps more establishing shots and more tension
-Used slightly more lighting 

4) Learner response: think about what you learned about cinematography making the video and also watching others. What will you do differently when you start the coursework in the summer? What tips or tricks have you learned from others that you can use next time? Are there any specific aspects of camerawork that you need to revise or practice?

Through this task I learned how to effectively use shot/ reverse shot while building tension and aim to be more experimental with it in the future (In a similar fashion to Peep Show perhaps). In my next video I need to add more bulk and narrative and follow the brief closer.

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Cinematography video

In this video, I tried building slow burning tension through my dog sleeping then suddenly disappearing. I recorded a minute of silence in my room in hopes of the sound being grainier and breezy? but it didn't quite work out. I took inspiration from the movie "funny games" in which there is no music in the background which created a deeply unsettling experience.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Sound Video LR

1) Type up your feedback from your teacher.

-good editing, use of contrapuntal and parallel sound.
2) Type up your feedback from fellow students.
(a lot of them were the same) 
- Sound fits the contrapuntal type, good use of parallel and contrapuntal sound
- could use more sounds, sociopath?, better editing 
3) Now reflect on your work and write your own comments. Add three WWWs and three EBIs underneath the rest of your feedback. 

- very contrapuntal 

- better song
- more visuals
- followed brief better

4) Learner response: compare your own video against your evaluation of the top three videos in the class. Whose did you think was best and why? How could you have improved your own video?

- Fadima
very strong match between visuals and music, brilliant editing. I could have spent more time on the editing of the clips to better match the music.

- Belle 
Editing matches the visuals too, clear dichotomy between parallel and contrapuntal.

- Soumeya
Good nostalgia, funny editing, clear political message.

5) Finally, what have you learned about the importance of sound to film and TV through this week's work?

The use of sound in film and TV is incredibly important to create mood and atmosphere in a scene. If the wrong song or score is chosen, the results are either humorous or jarring to watch.